Mechanical seals service

Wide range of mechanical seals

Mechanical seals suitable for pumps from worldwide manufacturers

Lowara®  Grundfos®  Flygt®  Wilo®  APV®  Fristam®  Alfa Laval®  Hidrostal®  Fluiten®  KSB®  Hilge®  Ebara®  Lowara®  Calpeda®  Allweiler®  Waukesha®  Sigma® etc.

Mechanical seals

Manufacturing and sell of mechanical seals suitable for pumps and mixers from worldwide manufacturers. 

O-rings and gaskets

O-rings in material NBR, FPM, EPDM, Kalrez®, FEP/VITON, Silicone and others.

Gaskets in fibre, PTFE and others.


Nozzles are available in Boron-Carbide, Tungsten-Carbide and 
Silicon-Carbide materials.

Our services

Mechanical seal refurbishment

Repair of mechanically stressed parts of the mechanical seal together with the replacement of dynamic seals, secondary seals, and springs.

Production of rotary and stationary rings

Production of rotary rings and seats in SSiC, SiSiC, TC, AL2O3 and Carbon materials according to the drawing or according demaged part.

Shaft repair and production 

Old shaft reparation, renovation of the surface. 
Production of the new shaft according specification.

Ultrasonic cleaning 

Ultrasonic cleaning of parts to the max. dimensions 450x300x150. Suitable for various material parts even with hard to reach places. 

Contact us

Please sent us your request via form
E-mail Message Confirm


Ing. Jozef Gaži

 +421 907 200 316

Róbert Ďuriška

+421 908 553 229

Ing. Martin Gaži

+421 949 359 303

Our address

M. Rázusa 4976/38A, 955 01 Topoľčany

Po-Pia: 8:00-15:30